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Sigríður Hagalín Björnsdóttir

Czech Fiction Franska French German Hebreska Hebrew Hungarian Norska Norwegian Polish Pólska Skáldverk Tékkneska Ungverska Þýska

Icelandic author Sigríður Hagalín Björnsdóttir (b. 1974) studied history in Salamanca, Spain, journalism at Columbia University in New York, and previously worked in Copenhagen before moving back to Reykjavík, where she lives with her husband and two daughters. Her bestselling debut Island (2016) was nominated for the Icelandic Women's Literature Prize in 2017. When she isn't writing, Sigríður works as the deputy head of news and a television news anchor at the Icelandic National Broadcasting Service. Björnsdóttir's highly anticipated second novel, THE HOLY WORD, was published in December 2018.

Works in translation

  • Eldarnir. Ástin og aðrar hamfarir (The Fires) Benedikt 2020
France (Gaia); Czech Republic (Argo); UK (Amazon Crossing) 

  • Hið heilaga orð (The Holy Word) Benedikt 2018

France (Gaia); Hungary (Cser Kft.); Israel (Lesa Press); Poland (Wydawnictwo Literackie)


  • Eyland (Island) Benedikt 2016

Czech Republic (Dobrovsky); France (Gaia); Germany (Suhrkamp); Hungary (Cser Kft.); Norway (Cappelen Damm); Poland (Wydawnictwo Literackie)
