Translators from Icelandic

A list of active translators from Icelandic into several languages, some information about them and their translations.


Anika Wolff

German Þýska

Abitur 2004, afterwards au pair and farmwork in Hörgárdalur, Iceland.

2005-2007: Bachelor of Arts „Literary, Cultural and Media Studies“ in Siegen (Germany) and Reykjavík 2007-2009: Master of Arts „Angewandte Literaturwissenschaft“ (Applied Literary Studies) at Freie Universität Berlin 2009-2010: traineeship at children's book publishers Kindermann Verlag Berlin

since 2010: freelance translator of Icelandic literature initiation and organization of German–Icelandic translator's workshops with my colleague Tina Flecken.

Selected Translations

  • Lilja Sigurðardóttir: Gildran (German title: Das Netz), DuMont 2020.
  • Arnaldur Indriðason: 
 Stúlkan hjá brúnni (German title: Das Mädchen an der Brücke), Lübbe 2020, Myrkrið veit (German title: Verborgen im Gletscher), Lübbe 2019, Petsamo (German title: Graue Nächte), Lübbe 2018, Þýska húsið (German title: Der Reisende), Lübbe 2018.

  • Yrsa Sigurðardóttir: R.I.P., btb 2019 & DNA, btb 2016.
  • Guðrún Eva Mínervudóttir: Englaryk (German title: Unter Engeln), btb 2020 & Allt með kossi vekur (German title: Alles beginnt mit einem Kuss), btb 2014 .
  • Kristín Steinsdóttir: Vonarlandið (German title: Hoffnungsland), C.H.Beck 2017 & Ljósa (German title: Im Schatten des Vogels), C.H.Beck 2011.
  • Birgitta Elín Hassell & Marta Hlín Magnadóttir: Rökkurhæðir I-IV(German title: Dämmerhöhe I-IV), Arena 2016.
  • Guðrún Helgadóttir: Bara gaman (German title: Blaubeeren und Vanilleeis), Dressler 2013.
  • Bjarni Haukur Thorsson: Pabbinn (German title: Hi Dad!), Heyne 2013.
  • Guðmundur Óskarsson: Bankster, Frankfurter Verlagsanstalt 2011.
