Icelandic Literary Prize 2012 awarded

6. February, 2013

Eiríkur Örn Norðdahl for his novel Illska (lit.Evil) and Gunnar F. Guðmundsson for his biography on Pater Jón Sveinsson - Nonni.

The Icelandic Literary Prize 2012 was awarded at the presidential residence Bessastaðir today, February 6, In the category of fiction and poetry Eiríkur Örn Norðdahl received the prize for his novel Illska (lit. Evil), published by Mál og Menning. The nonfiction award went out to the historian Gunnar F. Guðmundsson for Pater Jón Sveinsson - Nonni, a biography on Nonni, published by Opna.

Eiríkur Örn Norðdahl
Five titles were nominated for the prize in each of the categories. The final meting out of the prize was decided by a panel of three judges;


Fiction and Poetry:

Auður Ava Ólafsdóttir: Undantekningin. Publisher: Bjartur.                       

Eiríkur Örn Norðdahl: Illska. Publisher: Mál og menning.                                      

Gyrðir Elíasson: Suðurglugginn. Publisher: Uppheimar.                        

Kristín Ómarsdóttir: Milla. Publisher: JPV útgáfa.                                       

Sigurjón Magnússon: Endimörk heimsins. Publisher: Ormstunga.


Einar Már Jónsson: Örlagaborgin. Brotabrot úr afrekasögu frjálshyggjunnar. Fyrri hluti. Publisher: Ormstunga.

Gunnar F. Guðmundsson: Pater Jón Sveinsson – Nonni. Publisher: Opna.

Gunnar Þór Bjarnason: Upp með fánann. Baráttan um uppkastið 1908 og sjálfstæðisbarátta Íslendinga. Publisher: Mál og menning.

Jón Ólafsson: Appelsínur frá Abkasíu. Vera Hertzsch, Halldór Laxness og hreinsanirnar miklu. Publishers: JPV útgáfa.

Steinunn Kristjánsdóttir: Sagan af klaustrinu á Skriðu. Publisher: Sögufélagið.

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